

Russian Blonde Virgin Hair is the best hair to color. If you want any bright color like pink, purple, green, blue, yellow this hair is the way to go. Russian Blonde hair is very popular by a lot of stylist. One reason it’s so popular is because the hair comes blonde already and isn’t over processed. It can be dyed a darker blonde or like stated before any bright color. Here at Hair Fetish Atlanta we have Russian Blonde frontals, lace closures, silk top closures, and bundles up to 30 inches. Our Russian blonde frontals are all 8A hair grade which is the highest and best quality. If you looking for your hair to be colored we do it in our salon 7 days a week. You can book your appointment at We also offer our Russian Blonde hair with the wefts colored and an inch dyed in 1b/dark brown/jet black to give an Ombre effect.

To order the best Russian Blonde Virgin Hair visit our website at
