Silk Press Near Me


Natural Hair Silk Press Atlanta

Silk presses are the modern day term from a press and curl. Instead of using a hot comb stylist use a ceramic flat iron to straighten natural hair. Silk presses are done on natural hair clients only.  It gives the illusion of natural hair being relaxed. It makes natural hair look very straight, silky, and bouncy. When you get a silk press no grease is used because it will weigh the hair down. Instead of grease being used a heat serum will be use to protect the hair from heat and add shine.

Hair Fetish Atlanta we tend to our natural hair clients no matter the texture. When you come and get your silk press from us we will wash your hair with shampoo, give you a deep conditioner, and also give you a hydration treatment. A hydration treatment helps your natural hair texture maintain moisture, and keeps it’s curl pattern. Once everything is done you will get your hair blown out then flat iron. Silk presses normally last 2 weeks, then you will need to get your hair rewashed again. We recommend getting a hydration treatment once a month.

To book an appointment for our beautiful silk presses book online today at Click Book Appointment Link Below